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Mass Agent Installation via GPO

Group Policy (GPO) is a feature of the Microsoft Windows NT family of operating systems that manages the working environment of user accounts and computer accounts. In this tutorial I will explain how to use it to perform a bulk agent installation.

Download the agent file in MSI format:

Download the Windows SDK - ⚠ Orca.exe component is required!:

Run the installation of the downloaded file, then click Next button:

Select MSI Tools:

After installing, go to the directory in the screenshot below and run the Orca installer:

Start Orca and open the MSI file (FileOpen menu), then go to Property:

Enter the installation parameters according to the example below, save the changes to the MSI file.

Parameters can be copied from the Personal AccountPermanent accessAdd deviceMass deploymentMSI:

REGISTER means the account to which the device is permanently linked.

CONFIG means the installation parameters (can be assigned through group settings in the console)

Create a directory on the server, where we place the msi file:

In the settings, set the parameters for sharing the directory over the network:

Determine who will have the right to access the directory. In the screenshot Everyone is selected. You can also recommend the option only domain computers, selected from a list.

Complete the sharing setup:

Go to Group Policy Management by StartRungpmc.msc:

If the functionality is not installed, go to Server Manager and then Add Roles and Features:

Select to install Group Policy Management:

In Group Policy Management, create a new Group Policy Object:

Specify the name Getscreen-Install:

Go to Edit:

Select New Package to Install:

Select the MSI file from the network path you set up at the beginning:

Choose Assigned:

If the path to MSI is correct, it should appear in the list:

Bind a Group Policy object to the domain:

Select the desired GPO object from the list:


You can define which objects in the domain will be subject to the policy. To force a policy update on machines, you can use the command gpupdate.exe /Force.